Hi Everyone.
Well this has been a long time in coming. I wanted to take my time moving my stuff over to Newgrounds, but due to COPPA, I've decided to get a move on, and try to move stuff over as quickly as possible. I'm probably going to stay on Youtube as well- I don't think I've got too much to worry about, but I've been meaning to do this for a while, so I'm just getting on with it.
I'm sorry that at the end of these videos it says 'LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE' or some other Youtube-centric stuff- These videos are just lifted from Youtube and put onto here as it is the most efficient thing for me to do as I have to basically sort my life out in a matter of weeks! I massively apologise for this, as I really didn't want to properly start my NewGrounds life with the slight tang of disrespect, but YouTube and the FTC have rather forced our hands rather, so please bear with me while I re-organise my business in this hurried manner!
Over the next few months, I'm going to post some more tutorials- mainly for ToonBoom Harmony, but also for other bits and bobs, as well as finally getting stuck in on some actual animation projects which I've been dying to do for absolutely bloody ages.
I hope you will be kind to this little YouTube immigrant as he makes his long overdue transition to a more kind creative world.
Welcome to the Newgrounds train! Choo choo.